8.2 Score Breakdown with a Standard Footpod.See Watches for Ultrarunning for more details. You can charge the 235 while you're running, but I'd recommend getting a watch with a longer battery life so you don't have to charge it so often. The 235 is not a good choice for ultrarunners, as its battery life is too short. While the 235 has alerts for heart rate, pace, distance, and time, it lacks an alert for Cadence which would have been the most valuable. There is support for Cadence from the internal accelerometer, though I find that's not as accurate as the Footpod which it supports. If you get your Cadence right, many other things naturally fall into place. What's my cadence? Cadence is one of the most critical and often overlooked aspects of running.I tried dwMap (Vb) and it will give you navigation, but you have extremely limited options for displaying other data, with just four predefined fields shown. Connect IQ application take over the role of the display and recording of your activity, so while they can add some navigation they may not have the functionality that you'd expect from a running watch. It's possible to add more navigation by installing a Connect IQ app. Again, this is a simple "as the crow flies" pointer. You can mark a location and use the arrow to point to it later. However, knowing where your hotel is in a strange city or where you parked your car is immensely valuable, especially if you're running a circular route. This is a simple arrow point to your starting point, so it won't help you backtrack.

Where am I? The 235 has extremely limited support for navigation, but it's better than nothing.(This was added in the 4.70 firmware, released June 2016.) Thankfully, Garmin has added support for the display of current Pace From A Footpod while getting all other data from GPS. Because of the nature of GPS, watches that rely on GPS signal alone tend to have serious problems with current pace. How fast am I running? Knowing how fast you're running can be a nice to know, or it can be vital for your training or race performance.How much this will bother you is likely to depend on how what you're using the watch for and the nature of your personality. On straight lines and with a clear view of the sky it should do okay, but in tree cover and on twisty courses it's likely to be pretty ugly. Of course, the error that you'll see will depend on the nature of your route. It's possible that the variants of the 235 that lack the optical heart rate monitor (230/630) might do a little better, but I wouldn't expect a huge improvement. Even with my low expectations of recent Garmin devices I was rather disappointed.